Maybe It's Time for a Timer

Maybe it's Time for a Timer

Timers can be a great addition to any home and can be used for a variety of different applications. We often install timers on lighting during the holiday season, as many people travel and don’t want their home to appear vacant. Following are some other common, and hopefully unique ways to use timers both in and outside of your home.

Outdoor Lighting – Constantly turning your outside lights off and on can become quite the tedious chore and something a timer could solve. Plus, your lights will be on when you accidentally stay away from home longer than intended so you come home to a lit house. If you typically leave a light on when you go travelling, a timer will help save energy and give the illusion of someone being home.

Holiday Decorations – By incorporating timers with your holiday decorations you can ensure they are well lit during peak hours and are turned off late at night and throughout the day. This can add up to a decent savings if you're deep into the holiday spirit.

Household appliances and Electronics – A lot of electronics still use tiny bits of electricity when not in use. For example, your desktop computer, microwave or internet router. All of these tiny electronics can add up over time. Instead of constantly unplugging and re-plugging devices in, a timer could be used to automatically turn the bulk of them off at night (when you're not using them anyways).

Bathrooms and Attics/Basements – How many times have you accidentally left your bathroom fan or your attic light on. A timer switch could solve such hassle. A timer control ensures you have a fail-safe in place.

Bad Habits – If you like to sleep with a fan running or a blow dryer on (yes it’s a thing...) a timer could be used to turn it off in the dead of night to save on electricity, and maybe your life...

Irons – Do you ever arrive at work and have a mild panic attack that you left the iron on, so you call your partner who's still at home to check your curling iron or clothes iron so the house doesn't burn down? No? Just me? Well a timer control would ensure that even if you forgot to unplug your iron it'll automatically shut off.

Affordable parental controls – A timer control can be used to make sure your kids are not watching too much television, or playing too many videos games, or virtual reality, or I don't know…I'm old, what are kids into these days? There are a variety of timers on the market today. From your traditional style to WiFi smart controlled. You can Totally call us to help you determine what solution is best for you.